"> A Comprehensive Analysis Of CBN(Cannabinol) – cbn center
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Cannabis is a plant that has received heavy flack especially in recent years and has a history of being surrounded by misinformation. This article endeavors to provide readers with a clear view of one of its subcomponents named Cannabinol (CBN) which is a cannabinoid

If you’ve ever used cannabis or have kept yourself informed on the subject, you’ve probably heard of THC and CBD, Two of the most popular cannabinoids. But these are not the only Cannabinoids in Cannabis. CBN (Cannabinol) is a minor cannabinoid that is found in Cannabis popularly known for its powerful solution to sleeping disorders

Cannabinol is found to have several potential benefits and has been demonstrated to have medicinal benefits. So if you are looking into Cannabis then looking into the various cannabinoids is the first step. But first, let’s see what Cannabinoids (CBN comes under its category) is.

What are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical substances found in the plant cannabis. Cannabinoids are known to be responsible for a variety of medicinal and psychoactive effects that are well observed in cannabis. There are over 110 known cannabinoids to date with more being added to the list as we speak.

Cannabinoids affect human psychology through the endocannabinoid system also known as ECS which are the set of receptors that regulate health and promote homeostasis throughout the body. 

What is CBN (Cannabinol)?

CBN is a mild Psychoactive cannabinoid (A drug that changes brain function and results in alterations of feelings, sensation etc) found in trace amounts in Cannabis

It is produced in older Cannabis when THC ages. This is why it’s usually present in older cannabis which might turn off a few people though there are people who actively seek it. It is most popularly known for its ability to help people with sleeping disorders.

Current State Of Research On CBN

CBN has been found by Cannabis Testing Facility Steep Hils Labs to be one of the most sedative of all cannabinoids. It has been demonstrated to surpass the effects of sedatives used by pharmaceuticals. The lab found that consuming 2.5 to 5mg of CBN has the same results as consuming 5 to 10mg of Diazepam. The study also came to the conclusion that CBD and CBN work together to provide even better sedative properties.

Generally, though there has not been many scientific studies about CBN, early studies have been very promising.Research has shown that CBN has various health benefits that are discussed below. 

The Potential Benefits Of CBN

We’ve highlighted all the potential benefits that early research has suggested that CBN has. Keep in mind that these findings are still in the early phases and may not be demonstrable in humans. 

Sleeping Disorders:

A report by cannabis science and technology company Steep Hill reported that consumption of 2.5mg to 5mg of CBN was equivalent to a 5-10mg consumption of a Sedative called Diazepam. This has created a buzz among people suffering from Sleeping disorders as a natural sleeping aid is highly desired.

A study from 1975 Karniol IG, Shirakawa and a group of researchers found CBN to be an effective sedative that makes people sleepy. CBN itself has not been found to make people drowsy but when combined with THC. It was found that it contributed to drowsiness among people. This has the potential benefit of helping numerous people who have sleeping disorders like insomnia and 

Cancer Fighter:

There’s a lot of promising research that has suggested that CBN could help prevent cancer and has some cancer-fighting capabilities. CBN and several other cannabinoids are being studied for their ability to fight cancer growth

A study conducted by J Natl Cancer Institute on CBN that it reduced tumor growth in lung cancer patients. This is a very interesting development considering that lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer on the planet.

Bone Healing:

Research done by Kroto Research Institute Nanoscience and Technology Centre, University of Sheffield found that CBN along with other cannabinoids can increase bone growth and aid in the production of new bones. Another study done by the Bone Laboratory, The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem


Early research conducted by the Department Of Neurology in the University Of Washington has indicated that CBN might be a powerful neuroprotectant. The study which was conducted on rodents found that the ones suffering from ALS had delayed the onset of the condition when exposed to CBN. While human studies have not been done yet. There is hope that CBN may be able to provide a powerful tool in the fight against ALS and other similar conditions.


Another study conducted on rodents by University Of Reading’s school of pharmacy branch found that when exposed to CBN, The rodents had a higher appetite. More research is still needed on this matter though before it can be proven to have the same effect on humans.


A study conducted by the Department Of Science in the Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy revealed that CBN  might be a potential antibacterial agent. In lab conditions, MRSA bacteria which is resistant to most traditional antibiotics was exposed to CBN. Researchers found CBN to be a god antibacterial agent against the strains. Perhaps in the future CBN will have uses as an antibacterial agent to fight off strains that have become resistant to traditional antibiotics.


One study on rabbits performed by Natalya M.Kogan and Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University Of Jerusalem found that CBN is effective in those suffering from Glaucoma. It found that CBN was directly responsible for reducing the intraocular pressure which is the main reason for glaucoma. Still, as is with everything concerning THC. The studies are in their development phase and we don’t know if the same effects can be replicated in humans yet.


CBN might also be effective in helping people with rheumatoid arthritis as it is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. One study performed on rodents by Robert B.Zurier and Sumner H. Burstein which was published in The Faseb Journal showed that it reduced arthritis. More research needs to be done on this matter but if it is successfully replicated then it’ll be very good news for those suffering from Arthritis.

Side Effects Of CBN

Although CBN has been found to be mostly harmless. Most cannabinoids have some side effects when consumed in larger quantities. New time users might also experience certain side effects such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of appetite

These side effects can be easily circumvented by using restraint and being careful while using CBN.


CBN on antibacterial effects


CBN as a neuroprotectant


CBN on appetite 


CBN on Glaucoma


CBN as an Anti-inflammatory agent


CBN on sleep disorder (1975)


CBN Steephill research


CBN on Bone healing


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