"> CBN and Bone Mass – cbn center
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Cannabis which contains the Cannabinoid CBN has been used for centuries as a  medical remedy for several ailments. Only recently has there been an increase in research to verify if these medical remedies are actually effective and the research done so far is very promising.

A study done by the Kroto Research Institute Nanoscience and Technology Center, Univesity of Sheffield found that the cannabinoid receptors CB(1) and CB(2) modulated bone formation and resorption and hence might be able to stimulate the production of new bones.

Another research done by Bone laboratory, Hebrew University Of Jerusalem found that CBN and other cannabinoids may be helpful in healing fractured bones and helping reverse bone loss which is generating some interest among scientists as a potential treatment for osteoporosis.

Another research that was conducted on another cannabinoid named CBD found that there was significant increase in bone healing in lab rats with mid femoral fractures. This research was led by Doctor Yangel Gabet and late Professor Itai Bab. Doctor Yangel Gabet has been extremely positive of the role cannabinoids in various treatments and has been quoted saying “The clinical potential of cannabinoid related compounds is simply undeniable at this point”

To Simplify, Research has found CBN and other cannabinoids may stimulate the production of new bones in the body by stimulating Stem cells which then get converted into muscle, fat, cartilage, and bone cells. CBN may also be responsible for fibroblast cells that generate collagen. This means that patients everywhere can enjoy faster bone healing and recovery from wounds and fractures.


CBN and Bone Healing


CBN and Bone Regeneration


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