"> CBN and Lung Cancer – cbn center
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Lung Cancer is a form of cancer that is associated and first develops in the lungs. It is the leading cause of death in the United States among both men and women who’ve developed cancer. In fact, Lung Cancer now claims more lives than colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer combined. While Lung cancer is usually treated by using chemotherapy. There has been an enormous amount of research that is currently being done to explore other avenues of treatment. A few newer researches have indicated that Cannabis which has several cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, THC, etc could be the next big thing.

Several small studies have indicated that the use of Cannabis may stop cancer growth. Cannabis oil is already a product that is being used to manage and treat the side effects of cancer treatments.

Our clinical trials in the laboratory and on animals of the lung-cancer treatment proficiency of three major cannabinoid compounds – THC, CBD [Cannibidiol], and CBN – showed that THC and CBN can effectively deter cancer growth, confirming the potential of using cannabis to treat lung cancer in humans,

Surang Leelawat

A study done in 1975 by J Natl Cancer Institute showed that THC and other cannabinoids like CBN slowed the growth of cancer in mice. A more recent study from 2014 found that THC and CBD helped prime cancer cells to respond better to radiation. A study conducted by RANGSIT University discovered that cannabinoid extracts could help treat lung cancer and is even ready to test the new discovery in human trials. Assistant Professor Surang Leelawat, Director of the newly founded Medical Cannabis Research Institute of College of Pharmacy At Rangsit University said her team of researchers found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN), which are extracted from cannabis can stop the growth of cancer cells in mice and has opened a new avenue into cancer research with the promise of becoming the next big cure.

Getting through Side Effects Of Chemotherapy With Cannabinoids:

While there isn’t much research yet in the field of the effect of cannabis on Lung cancer. We do know that it is particularly well suited for offering relief for a range of lung cancer symptoms. These include,

  • pain
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • headaches
  • nerve pain

Cannabis oil which includes cannabinoids like THC, CBN and CBD may also help alleviate the side effects of traditional lung cancer like,

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • pain
  • reduced appetite
  • fatigue

Side Effects of Cannabis Oil and Cannabinoids Like CBN, THC, CBD, etc

Cannabis oil and the other cannabinoids have generally been deemed safe but excessive use can cause some minor side effects like,

  • dizziness
  • sleeping issues
  • low blood pressure
  • impaired motor control
  • slowed reaction time
  • impaired memory
  • increased appetite

These side effects are not permanent and will subside after a couple of hours so there’s really no reason to worry.

Looking Forward:

There isn’t enough evidence yet that can directly link Cannabis and its cannabinoids as a treatment plan for cancer but the research is promising and ongoing with new discoveries being made every year. Hopefully, in a few years, the role of Cannabinoids in cancer treatment will become clearer and will lead to a cure for lung and other types of cancer.

However, it seems at least right now that it may be extremely beneficial to use Cannabis products including CBN, THC etc in conundrum with traditional cancer treatment plans.

If Cannabis and its products help you in fighting your cancer. It is extremely important that you don’t discontinue any treatments recommended by your doctors which could and possibly will result in unfavorable circumstances. Always consult your doctor before going forward with Cannabinoids as a treatment for cancer.

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