"> CBN And Sleeping Disorder – cbn center
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Sleeping disorders are on the rise in recent times among people of all ages and backgrounds. An estimated 50 to 70 million have a sleeping disorder of some kind, according to the Sleep Association Of America. The most common of which is Insomnia. This surge in sleep disorders has people looking for a natural remedy without having to buy sleeping pills and the likes with their list of side effects.

This is where cannabinol (CBN) comes in. CBN and sleeping disorders when mixed have shown to have positive benefits for its users. Patients all over the world have been recorded saying that CBN has helped them overcome their sleeping disorders, especially Insomnia. 

CBN And Insomnia:

 Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty sleeping or staying asleep. People who have insomnia have reported the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up often during sleep
  • Waking up earlier than one wants
  • Feeling tired upon waking up

“CBN works by interacting with the body’s natural endocannabinoid receptor system, which influences our intrinsic hormones and neurotransmitters,” Dr. Niket Sonpal, a New York-based internist, gastroenterologist, and adjunct professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine told Bustle.

This basically means that it can change the mood, appetite and even sleep of the user.

Another doctor, Jaclyn Tolentino, A Parsley Health Los Angeles physician was reported saying that CBN initiates a response by cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2.

“The CB1 receptor is expressed in the brain in areas related to pain, memory, anxiety, depression, appetite, and nausea,” Dr. Tolentino told Bustle, while the CB2 receptor is “expressed throughout the body, including in the immune system, the peripheral nervous system, and the skeletal system.” 

This might help people sleep since CBN primarily binds with the CB2 receptors which produce a pain-relieving effect that might help people sleep.

While more extensive research is required (There have been no viable studies done on humans) to ascertain how much effect CBN has on patients. The future looks very promising as Dr. Capano, Medical director of Ananda Hemp put it that the anecdotal evidence of the benefits of CBN is seen every day in patients.

One piece of evidence can be traced back to 2000 which suggests that CBN may be useful in the development of future pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs. A newer report that showed an overview of cannabis and its effect on sleep by the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences showed that there are 100s of components in cannabis that can affect wakefulness, Specifically citing CBD and CBN. 

Another study done by Steep hills concluded that 5mg of CBN was about as potent as 10mg of Diazepam which is a drug that is usually prescribed for a host of issues like anxiety, seizures or spasms. This is very good news since there is a high demand for a natural alternative to these drugs that CBN might just be able to fill.

So after reading all the evidence on CBN and sleeping disorders. Are you convinced that it is a good sedative? If you are and want to buy some then extra care is required. People are informed to be extremely wary of sellers claiming 100% pure CBN products especially if Cannabis is not legal in your country of residence. CBN has also shown to have certain side effects when used the wrong way i.e high intake or first-time users, The side effects are written below.

  • Tiredness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite

There have been no known serious or concerning side effects of CBN to date though more research is required in the field. The side effects mentioned above can essentially be eliminated by handling CBN responsibly. 

CBN Dosages:

 CBN is being hailed by many as the next big thing in the cure for sleeping disorders and is utilized in oils all over the world wherever it is legal. There are several brands selling CBN infused oils to help sleep like Mineral Healths Robin for sleep. It describes the product as a 1:1 blend of CBN and sleep focused ingredients to relax your body and help you sleep. Mineral founder Matthew “Mills” Miller says “independently, [CBN and CBD] are useless” but that “collectively and in high doses, they will act to promote wellbeing in the body and mind.” 

One can also choose to take CBN and CBD together in varying doses. Doses are highly individualistic in nature and what works for one might not necessarily work for others. A person will need to test out the combinations himself to find the perfect sweet spot.

The Future Of CBN

As we have observed, CBN has a bright future ahead of it if it isn’t impeded by government regulations. CBN is barely a psychoactive cannabinoid and has tremendous potential in helping people with sleeping disorders like insomnia. It is certainly one of the most sedatives and relaxing cannabinoid which is garnering a lot of attention from the scientific community and will hopefully have more research done on it that will prove the same. Given its characteristics, we can hope to find products rich in CBN in the form of oils, ointments, strips, and the likes assuming there isn’t any form of impeding from the government.


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